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Maintaining Cleanliness and Preventing Illness at THE Retreat for Pets


When we started our pet retreat, the world was in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic but, as long as our pet parents were headed on vacation and to other events, we were here, ready to serve.  That incident made it abundantly clear that as a pet care facility, it was even more important to make sure that we continued to thoroughly and deeply clean all surfaces and supplies in the environment before, during and after pet stays.  After having volunteered extensively in pet shelters, I understood the critical importance in keeping a facility clean and disinfected.  I witnessed entire wards be locked down where animals could not be taken out for exercise or interact with volunteers or the public for at least a week or more or, worse yet, succumbed to the diseases and did not survive the quarantine. 

For that reason, staying disease free is of utmost importance at THE Retreat for Pets.  Since the initial years of the pandemic, we have had a continuous cycle of recurrence of different strains of that and other viruses so, it continues to be a way of life.  We have kept social distancing and outdoor meet and greets intact to always be ready with safe health care practices whether viruses were dormant or on the rise again.  In addition, we faithfully use earth-friendly products inside and outside that we stand by.  During pet stays, we clean daily and after each mess. 

We use BioVation Probiotic Enzymic Multipurpose cleaner by LauraKay Innovations (Safer and Effective Cleaning Products | LauraKay Innovations) to clean and the hydrogen peroxide based, OxyVation Multi-Surface Germ Fighting spray to disinfect all surfaces, including furniture, rugs, bowls and bedding. It is important that the cleaners be effective and non-toxic to our guests.

For outdoor cleaning of the surfaces that our Retreaters walk, run and lay on, we use the Simply Green Outdoor Odor Eliminator and for disinfecting the concrete, plastic and other surfaces outside, we use the Oxyvation for more earth-friendly disinfection "magic". 



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